2015년 11월 7일 토요일

It could be valuable for you to try what you don't like before!

What do you have in mind when you hear the word 'reading'? Well, two years ago, I would say "yuck!" or "eww!". Fortunately, I don't feel the same about reading now. Can you believe I enjoy it and even recommend my friends to try to read? It was a 3-month-class, which gave me a chance to change my mind about reading.
I was not a sort of person who likes to read a book before I took a class with Professor Nelson in my sophomore year at University. Nelson welcomed us to join his 'exciting reading class', but his words were not so trustworthy because of his serious look. During the class, students should read at least three books in a week and made book reports with those books. That is to say, students should tried hard to read and read, so that one could score higher than others in the class.
Honestly, I didn't enjoy reading at all because I usually thought reading is one part of study. Obviously, reading English books is helpful to improve one's English skills. This is true. However, it could be a burden when it turned to a mandatory thing, especially for the student who have to do it anyway. Well, I thought I made a bad choice and felt sad to be deceived by his words. It wasn't so exciting, and the class gradually became a kind of competition just like 'Who read the most this week?'.
Of course, I also eagerly participated in the competition. I mainly chose books, which had easily understandable stories regardless of  their genre. It was my strategy to read as much as possible in a short time. After reading more than twenty books, I naturally discovered my taste in reading. I felt bored when I read love stories, growth novel or SF genre. Also, I hoped them to be end soon with those stories. Otherwise, the genres such as detective, crime, mystery and horror were quite different from what I mentioned above. They made me feel nervous during reading and curious about the next story. It was the starting point for me to enjoy reading itself.
After knew exactly what my taste was, I could save time choosing books to read. I mastered the series of Sherlock Holmes during the class. There were Agatha Christie, Edgar Ellen Poe, Stephen King and so on, my favorite authors. I didn't get stressed by reading, because it was not an assignment to me anymore. One day, professor Nelson kindly asked me to try other genre after he reviewed my book reports. I understood what he meant, but I kept reading in my way. I believed that enjoyable reading was only exciting reading to me! At the end of the class, I could see a lot of books on the list in my book report. I remembered the score was great, too.
It's been two years since I took the class. Now nobody forces me to do so, but I visit school library to borrow short stories books. I can't say I'm a bookworm, but reading becomes one of my favorite things. I am truly thankful for that. What if I did not join the Nelson's class? What if I gave up reading in the class? If so, I'm sure that I still have a bias against reading: It is such a boring thing. I learned that judging something that I've never tried before is kind of dangerous behavior. It deprives people of opportunity to find one's precious part of life. I would be aware of it, and try to take a positive view of everything I meet.

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